Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Little Update!

Howdy Everyone!

I wanted to give a little update of what's goin' on with us. Brad has passed the practical exam for the Fire Dept. of Lee's Summit, MO! He's going on to the "peer interview" where a panel of three fire fighters will take 2 hours to interveiw him. Please be praying for him to be confident and at peace before he walks in to be questioned and aquainted with men he might be working with! He's been working for a guy he worked for when he first got to K.C. and he's getting a dollar raise next week! Woo Hoo!

We co-manage some townhomes where we live and one of our tenants had been a little behind. We've been praying for all of our tenants to be blessed financially to be able to pay all their bills and their rent. Praise the L-rd this tenant was not only caught up but had some wonderful news... This person is getting baptized this Sunday! Praise you Jesus!

Today we had two Jehovah's Witness's come to our door. Polite ladies, they begin to address that Jesus was an angel and that G-d the Father is an Archangel. Bradley interrupted and said, "Well the Bible says that Angel worship is of the devil... "Luciferien worship." Their eyes got big! He said a lot of things to them that really grabbed their tongue where there couldn't be any argument. The great thing is they gave us this book that is titled, "What the Bible Really Teaches." Then they proceeded to challenge Brad to research it over and they would come back. Brad rebutled with, "Okay I'll read this but let me say this, if I find that what you are preaching is false doctrine will you be open to hearing it?" They stuttered a little and responded that they only teach what the Bible teaches. Brad rebutled the same question along with, "...if you are led by the Holy Spirit and we are of the same Spirit then you will be open to hearing what I have heard from the L-rd is a revelation of His word and yours could be false." The one lady said, "Well how do I know that when we come back that you won't just sit there and try to convince us that what you're preaching is right and what we're preaching is wrong?" Brad said, "Well what is the difference if I do that then what you're doing right now? You are trying to convince me to believe what you do of Jesus when I am strong in my Faith in Christ right now and nothing you say will convince me otherwise." No response. So they kindly settled the "conversation" with nice to speak with you and we hope to see you when we come back. I pray they do. And when they do we'll invite them in for tea and we'll be armed and ready b/c our struggle is with the spirit behind their false doctrine. Let's pray that before they return that struggle will be defeated... Colossians 2:15... the cross disarmed those powers and made them a public spectacle! AMEN. Let us believe that the Kingdom Hall down the street will become a HALL OF FAME for being set free and recieving the true revelation of Jesus and let revival break forth in Grandview, MO! Woo Hoo!

I have added a video of How To Dehydrate and Store Food from you tube. I hope you like it. I'm praying the L-rd will provide everything I need to do this. We have a lot of farmer's markets here in the spring and summer! Our friends said we could use their storage saver!
This series is a 10 part series & it's awesome!

I have a video of Elisha at the end of this blog! Enjoy her cutie patootieness!

I'm doing great... I'm going through some very conflicting events with some friends of ours so please keep us in prayer. I won't reveal who or what is going on but please ask the L-rd to give you wisdom and understanding when praying b/c this matter might result in some very sobering ways of parting from our friends who we love very much. It's a little uncomfortable posting this but I need you guys to pray it's the ultimate weapon against our enemy!!!!!!

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12
"Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it." Colossians 2:15

The doctor says my body is 100% back to normal and Brad and I can start trying again for children! Woo Hoo!

OH I have a great site for someone in particular who was touched at a conference but for everyone else too, so that you may be informed.

Well I will update you soon... Elisha is turning 1 year old next week on March 4th! And her birthday party is on the 8th! Don't forget Larry has a birthday on March 6th! Woo Hoo double wammie celebrations! I will update with pictures and funny stories I'm most sure of are on the way.

Elisha, Brad, and I all went to the pool today where we have a membership. It was so cool. They have a huge swirly slide to go down, a lap pool and on one side where "Little One" and I were, a beach looking kiddy pool with a minny lazy river. It was fun. But then "Munchkin" got cold so we went and took a nice shower in a private family room. Then we dried our suits in a "suit dryer"... How cool is that... praise the L-rd our work outs can be a family event.

Well may Jesus bless you all in everything you do and may you bless Him too in everything you do.

I just want to say how merciful and gracious our Savior is. Jesus you are wonderful thank you for your blood that covers us and makes us white as snow!

In His abiding love,

Brad, Leslie, & Elisha

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