Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Exodus Cry

(At the end I have official websites and a link to the Nefarious Video)

Human trafficking is the industry that generates commerce by transporting actual people. While this practice does have legal expressions, mostly it is a term used by advocacy groups to describe the nefarious practice of abduction and bondage that goes hand in hand with Modern-day Slavery. There are tens of billions of dollars generated each year by the illegal transport and sale of human beings, making it is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. And since this industry thrives by exploiting impoverished people, and is exacerbated by the growing appetite worldwide for human slaves under a variety of names, this problem is fundamentally understood as an economic problem.

Stop here: Question: what's on your mind about rescuing human trafficking victims?
Do you think the church is ready to undertake (invest: time, money, resources, strength, reputation) the actual restoration process of these women and children (mind, body, soul , spirit)?

Let me put it this way: Hypothetical Situation(Headlines of the news today (just imagine) 28 year old woman and her 2 year old daughter go missing! Authorities say they've found them to be sold into slavery, otherwise known as Human Trafficking. It is said that they've been sold into the global sex-slave trade. Family and friends are putting together every effort to find them and free them from this crime.)

I believe out of your love and care us you'd do everything possible to rescue us and get out. Intercession and prayer is the most simplest way to begin the rescue mission of 'millions' of women and children sold into this slavery. Your love and compassion for G*d's people will bring each of us pull together resources of every kind to rescue these impoverished women and children out of their bondage.

Begin to pray with me that G*d will bring justice to these victims. Tear down the strongholds, principalities, and dark/evil powers over their countries. Open the doors for rescue missions to go into action. For people around the world to openeir hearts and homes to restore and reintergrate them into hope and love. To bring their oppressors into the light of true righteous justice.

While the point of origin of slaves is as diverse as the cities of the world, the grisly practice of abduction is generally uniform. Trafficking victims are usually persons displaced (like refugees), run aways, or the most impoverished people in a region. In some places, the captors are large crime rings, but, more typically, trafficking is conducted by small, specialized venders. Prisoners are lured into slavery with false promises of a better life—be it fame as an actor, or economic opportunities abroad—only to be trafficked to another city or even another country. Captors immediately confiscate passports and any identification of their victims which renders them powerless to escape the country of their final destination. In addition, being trafficked to a foreign country creates a language barrier that helps to discourage escape.
What is important to grasp is that while some countries are better known as destinations, and others are merely transit countries, nearly every country in the earth participates in Human Trafficking as an abduction point as well as a destination, including the United States and other similarly developed countries. Immigrant labor, adoption, and even legalized prostitution many times create a ruse of legal activity that can hide illegal trafficking. While most countries have developed anti-trafficking laws, poor law enforcement and corrupt police forces offer few obstacles to traffickers. Once abducted, victims find themselves forced into a lifestyle of prostitution, child soldiers, forced labor, or some other form of slavery that is impossible to escape. "All things are possible with G*d."

Purity Covenant
The purity covenant is a personal commitment to wholehearted sexual purity. One of the great battles facing our generation is the battle for sexual purity. The Internet has made indescribable acts of immorality openly accessible to people of all ages, gender, and walks of life. Seductive images daily invade our homes and private lives through all forms of media. Satan is waging a war of sexual seduction against this generation. His assault has even breached the ranks of the church: polls taken reveal that more than half of pastors struggle with pornography on a daily basis. To combat this assault we must first contend for our own personal freedom. Sexual sin not only defiles our own spirit, but it directly fuels an industry that enslaves women and children. Every time we engage in licentious sexual activity we come into agreement with Satan and give him legal access into our lives. In addition, our participation releases demonic energy into the realm of the spirit, which is already so widespread the nations are drowning in a torrential sea of lust. As more people rise up and demand that their sexual fantasies be fulfilled, greater and greater numbers of women and children are enslaved. The startling reality is that there are now over 20 million people worldwide in bondage as sex slaves, which is a greater number than the combined populations of the 6 largest cities in the United States. Many of these slaves are the very women and children featured in pornographic movies, magazines, and websites. When Jesus addressed the churches in the book of Revelation He directly confronted the issue of sexual immorality. His indictment against the church of Thyatira is that they “tolerated” sexual compromise. Through the Purity Covenant we are calling this generation of believers to wholeheartedly renounce their toleration of sexual immorality and commit to a fierce allegiance to Jesus through purity and holiness in their personal lives. Human Trafficking is a massive human rights issue facing this generation, but we are powerless to fight it unless we first win the battle raging in our own hearts. If we will turn to the Lord in our weakness He will meet us with tenderness and give us power to resist the seduction of the enemy. The Purity Covenant is a set of 3 simple commitments:
1) Purity
I commit to guard my eyes, ears, and speech from defiling images or conversations.
2) Accountability
I commit to find an accountability partner who agrees with the purity covenant. I will confess to this individual each time I cross a boundary of sexual compromise in any area including: what I look at, say, and listen to.
3) Software
I commit to download software onto my computer that prohibits sexually explicit images from appearing including all pornographic websites. Exodus Cry recommends X3watch and SafeEyes

Official Nefarious Documentary Website

Official Exodus Cry Website for more information click

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