Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Seriously, Let's Go!

Hey friends. I wrote this out on my facebook. It's etched in my heart. What brought it about was a strong urgency from the Lord to take seriously the Word and take steps of faith to truly LIVE it out and DIE trying to get it out!

This is what I typed up:

How committed are you to the Gospel, really? I'm being challenged and I'm going to take it up. If I and you too really believe what the Word says is true then get ready Christ's return is sooner than we think. Meaning...
We take seriously surrendering ourselves and our lives and do what we are commanded and comissioned to do. Get on your faces friends and trust the Creator of Heaven and Earth to design and direct your everyday and see souls rescued out of Hell!

DON'T get caught up in 'your' everyday plans, be DIRECTED by God's Holy Spirit and lift up eyes, ears, mouth, body, soul, and spirit. Say I'm yours, here's everything, what next? "Church" we are really an ekklesia! (In classic greek "ekklesia" meant "an assembly of citizens summoned by the crier, the legislative assembly.") I don't know how, and I don't know when, I just know that we as a "governing" body as Christ called us out to be; need to get the 1.something billion people of this world to know the Saviour Jesus Christ!

I'm guilty for being careless and giving into the cares of this world to fulfill my fleshly desires. Jesus has tapped me on my shoulder so many times when I'm dozing off and this time He smacked His ruler on my desk! I'm alert! I'm awake! WHAT NEXT?
Vision this: 10,000 believers from here and abroad come together in agreement that they will put all their time, effort, money, family, energy, prayer, blood, sweat, and tears into preaching the Gospel and furthering the Kingdom in the most unreached areas of the world. They committ to die trying. Imagine the impact? When TEN THOUSAND people show up somewhere in the 1040 window?

Hey Pastor, Hey Preacher, Hey Teacher, Hey Prophet, Hey Apostle, Hey Mommy, Hey Daddy, Hey Businessman, HEY "CHURCH-EKKLESIA"! ARE you getting the bigger picture? WE HAVE ALL THE RESOURCES to do this! WE want our King to come back and we need Him desperately! He's furthering His Kingdom with or without you. Are you gonna do it with Him? YOUR title in the grand scheme of things is only allotted to you for a short period so that for the equipping of the saints until the full fruition of unity of the Faith in CHRIST JESUS comes that all those titles go away. Because there won't be a need if the Bride is a go and is going altogether... get it?

I'm gonna do my part in my humble part of the world... I will die trying, I will die persevering, I will die p.u.s.hing. I will LIVE in Him and He in me. What LOVE has been lavished upon you and I my friend... let's share it. A movement of the Holy Spirit is upon the Bride of Christ that she may make herself ready for Him... and friend that includes the 1040 window Bride. Let's go get the rest of our brothers and sisters in the utter parts of the world who have no access to Christ. Like I said I don't know how, and I don't know when... but let's GO!

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