Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Good Morning Girls, Niles, MI week 2 Gratitude

So I am falling a little behind with so much going on this week. I will be posting another blog with my responses to the scriptures. For today I encourage you to read 2 Chronicles 10-20 and 2 Corinthians 4:13-18. If you haven't already that is! ;-)

Take this weeks challenge There is power in recording God’s faithfulness in our lives and sharing it with others. This week in your gratitude journals, begin recording the different ways God has been faithful to you in your life. Pray for opportunities to share these stories of His faithfulness with those God has already placed in your life. You never know how God could work through the testimony of your story. Let’s be good stewards of the stories He has written with our lives and in our hearts.

I have been recording in my journal and it's striking me that I need to stay doing this so my children can flip through and see Gods faithfulness and goodness in our lives!

I know that you would expect more from me but to tell you the truth I need to do some more studying and I'd like to stay longer to write but I'm using my in laws Internet we don't have it just yet. I'm so thankful though we get to borrow theirs when needed. Little babies and shopping can take up a lot of time and I have lots to at my own house. I hope you won't mind reading two separate blogs tomorrow. 

Have a gloriously blessed day and ponder upon King David's words and Paul's in 2 Corinthians! Please share your thoughts on our group page!

Before His Eyes,

Take a walk with Him today!

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