Monday, November 11, 2013

Good Morning Girls of Niles, MI Thanksgiving Week 1

Good Morning ladies!

I must admit I was planning on postponing doing a Bible study but then the Lord directed me clearly to do this!

A couple of things to get us started today... Please go to Good Morning Girls website and click on Enroll at the top. Choose to enroll so that you can receive your reading plan and any other important emails from GMG throughout this study. Then go back to the main page and read. Watch the video, and take the 1st weeks challenge.



S- The S stands for Scripture- you physically write out the scripture……you’ll be amazed at what God will reveal to you just by taking the time to slow down and actually write out what you are reading!
O- The O stands for observation- what do you see in the verses that you’re reading. Who is the audience? Is there a repetition of words? What words stand out to you?
A- The A stands for Application- this is when God’s Word becomes personal. What is God saying to me today? How can I apply what I just read to my own personal life? What changes do I need to make? Is there an action that I need to take?
P- And finally, P stands for Prayer. Pray God’s Word back to Him. If He has revealed something to you during this time in His Word, pray about it. Confess if He has revealed some sin that is in your life.
I will not be posting really early in the morning on my thoughts, encouragement and prayers but I will do so mid morning. I am looking forward to hearing from you all and maybe even talking to some of you in person or via phone. If you want my phone number please private message me via Facebook and I will give it to you.
Let's move forward!
This weeks memory verse:
 1 Chronicles 16:8 "Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon His name; make known among the nations what He has done." 
Today's focus is 1 Chronicles 16:7-36 for our reading and our S.O.A.P. is 8-11 of that scripture.
I read slowly and out loud and had so many little nuggets of revelation come through. Here is what I picked up... GIVE thanks unto the Lord, CALL upon His name, MAKE known His deeds, SING unto Him, GLORY you in His holy name, REJOICE those of us who seek Him, SEEK His face continually. 
Give, Call, Make, Sing, Glory, Rejoice, Seek
Now go up to verse 4 (from the KJV) "And he (King David) appointed certain of the Levites to minister before the ark of the Lord, and to record, and to thank and to praise The Lord God of Israel:..."
Ladies today let us record in a journal our thankfulness unto Him who created use to be now! Let us praise Him, and let us seek Him always! 
What are your thoughts and S.O.A.P.s?
My response to the video:
How can we intentionally live a thankful life?
Focusing on Christ for me is key. The difference when I don't and when I do are night and day. I am not as thankful nor are my children. So when I am focused on Him I am more aware to be thankful and grateful. My attitude is more cheerful and I dont find myself getting irritated very easily but rather enjoying the day and what I am given. Thankful for His promises in this life and the next. My children and husband are affected by my hearts attitude and my prayer is that they will be affected in a positive way that points them to Christ with a thankful heart that pleases God.
Why is it hard to remain thankful In today's culture?
The way of the world and it's lust of the flesh is what we are "naturally" drawn to apart from Christ. Our sin nature gravitates towards shiny, new, and fun things. Things that please us and do not please God. Things that suck us in and clutch and whisper they aren't letting go until we say In the Name of Jesus and turn our eyes upon Him. Looking full into His wonderful face saying, only here will I find peace and rest. Only here will I find true love and what it means to be truly thankful and grateful. Because its here where my Salvation is. My beloved sisters... Work out your salvation in fear and trembling on a daily basis. Surround yourself with people who will keep you accountable to Gods Word of Truth. Keep your eyes, mind, heart and ears pure and turn away from the temptations that pull you away from a thankful heart. Intentionally be counter cultural through Christ and follow and praise Him. It is the only way to combat unthankfulness in a selfish and greedy world.
Before His Eyes,

Go somewhere quiet today and reflect on His word. Shhh... Conversation in session. 

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